Control of particulate matter

PM Control is an Industry 4.0 system that allows the monitoring of dust in suspension, to record the concentration of respirable crystalline silica based on an estimation using as reference values the regulatory measurements made by the company for the prevention of occupational hazards.

PM Control

It is a product created for any industry that in its manufacturing process uses and needs to control the levels of Respirable Crystalline Silica in the environment.

PM Control consists of equipment for measuring dust in suspension (measuring points), and a computer application that monitors the values of PM1, PM2.5, PM4 and PM10 in a database.

It is a plug and play system. The web page allows for uninterrupted monitoring of the SCR in a really simple way.

Technical characteristics

Precise control of particulate pollutants for the environment

Fully calibrated laser-based light scattering particle detector with pm1, pm2.5, pm4 and pm10 outputs.

Automatic self-cleaning with programmable frequency from the web page.

Operating temperature range -10°C to 60°C (-10°F to 140°F)

Luminous beacon to warn of anomalous situations, easily configurable from the web page.

Essential tool for the prevention department, to keep track 365 days a year of the SCR levels in the different workplaces.

It allows the visualization of the information in a graphical way.

Sending alarms by e-mail and/or Telegram.

Request a demo

We show you how it works with a real factory demonstration.