Production control system for parts and stoppages

INGESOM implements the production control system of parts and stop signals in the pressing and glazing areas of an important ceramic company in the province of Castellón. With this project, the customer wants to know and control the running and stoppage hours of the machines working in the pressing and enameling areas, as well as the reasons for each stoppage, in order to implement actions to minimize them and increase the plant’s productivity.
Until now, the operators wrote down the total number of parts and stoppages of the machines by means of manually written parts. With this production control extension, within the Energy Management System that we implemented several years ago, the customer can visualize, register and consult the running and stop times of each of the machines. Thus, the information is centralized in a single database, avoiding possible human errors in the preparation of production reports.
The INGESOM production control system, in addition to start and stop times, also records data such as the number of parts produced in the different machines of the line, the number of wastes or the gaps in the line. The collection of this data allows the customer to easily calculate the OEE, an indicator that quantifies the productivity and efficiency of the production processes. The correct implementation of OEE improves production performance by reducing downtime, improving the product quality index and increasing employee efficiency.

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