INGESOM continues its close supplier/customer relationship with the multinational OMRON.

INGESOM visits the industrial automation center that OMRON has in Barcelona, which has software and robotics development areas, a course center and a show room. It is OMRON’s fourth such center worldwide, joining those in Japan, the United States and China.
Thanks to this conference INGESOM has learned about the latest developments that the multinational is marketing, as well as the products it is currently researching and developing, very interesting information for a company integrating automation solutions for Industry 4.0.
In addition to the visit, INGESOM’s manager also met with the project leaders of OMRON’s Software Development department to discuss and plan the upcoming projects in which it will collaborate with the Japanese multinational, strengthening its position as a permanent supplier of industrial software for this new year.
For more than 10 years, INGESOM has been purchasing and recommending OMRON products to its customers for most of its projects, such as the equipment used in Production Control for the ceramics sector. Maintaining this special supplier/customer relationship at the same time gives us the confidence to face all our automation and Industry 4.0 projects with guaranteed success.

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